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Recent Journal Articles

To view a complete and up to date list of journal articles please visit Julianna Wilson’s google scholar profile.

Published as J.K. Tuell prior to 2012


Wilson JK, Gut LJ, Powers K, Huang J, Rothwell N (2022) Predicting the risk of tart cherry (Prunus cerasus) infestation by Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, toac024


Allen-Perkins A, et al. +181 co-authors (2021) CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology, 103(3): e3614

Bloom EH, Graham KK, Haan NL, Heck AR, Gut LJ, Landis DA, Milbrath MO, Quinlan GM, Wilson JK, Zhang Y, Szendrei Z, Isaacs R (2021) Responding to the US national pollinator plan: a case study in Michigan. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20(2): 84-92

Graham K, Gibbs J, Wilson J, May E, Isaacs R (2021) Resampling of wild bees across fifteen years reveals variable species declines and recoveries after extreme weather. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment, 317: 107470

Graham KK, Perkins JA, Peake A, Killewald M, Zavalnitskaya J, Wilson J, Isaacs R (2021) Wildflower plantings on fruit farms provide pollen resources and increase nesting by stem nesting bees. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 23: 222-231


Graham KK, Perkins JA, Peake A, Killewald M, Zavalnitskaya J, Wilson J, and Isaacs R (2020) Wildflower plantings on fruit farms provide pollen resources and increase nesting by stem nesting bees. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 23: 222-231

Reilly JR, Artz DR, Biddinger D, Bobiwash K, Boyle NK, Brittain C, Brokaw J, Campbell JW, Daniels J, Elle E, Ellis JD, Fleischer SJ, Gibbs J, Gillespie RL, Gundersen KB, Gut LJ, Hoffman G, Joshi N, Lundin O, Mason K, McGrady CM, Peterson SS, Pitts-Singer T, Rao S, Rothwell N, Rowe L, Ward KL, Williams NM, Wilson JK, Isaacs R, and Winfree R (2020) Crop yield in the USA is frequently limited by a lack of pollinators. Proceedings B, 287: 20200922

Bintari AF, Quintanilla MA, Wilson JK, and Shade A (2020) Biogeography and diversity of multi-trophic root zone microbiomes in Michigan apple orchards: analysis of rootstock, scion, and local growing region. Phytobiomes, 4: 122-132.


Nicholson CC, Ward KL, Williams NM, Isaacs R, Mason KS, Wilson JK, Brokaw J, Gut LJ, Rothwell NL, Wood TJ, Rao S, Hoffman GD, Gibbs J, Thorp R, Ricketts TH (2019) Mismatched outcomes for biodiversity and ecosystem services: testing the responses of crop pollinators and wild bee biodiversity to habitat enhancement. Ecology Letters, 23(2): 326-335

Grab H, Brokaw J, Anderson E, Gedlinske L, Gibbs J, Wilson J, English-Loeb G, Isaacs R, and Povenda K (2019) Habitat enhancements rescue bee body size from the negative effects of landscape simplification. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56: 2144–2154