IPM Publications
Below are some selected Extension resources related to insect pest management in orchards.
Wise, J. and J. Wilson (June 2022) Control alternatives for borer pests of tree fruits. MSU Extension News.
Isaacs, R., S. Van Timmeren, and J. Wilson (June 2022) Spotted wing drosophila fly activity starting but still low this spring. MSU Extension News.
Michaelson, J., J. Wilson, and M. Szucs (Feb 2022) An update on increasing the abundance of samurai wasp for biological control of the brown marmorated stink bug. MSU Extension News
Wilson, J., C. Garcia-Salazar, S. Van Timmeren, N. Rothwell and R. Isaacs (July 2021) Time for spotted wing Drosophila management in berry and cherry crops. MSU Extension News
Wilson, J.K. (Summer 2021) Monitoring for Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs in Michigan Apple Orchards: Making Sense of the Data So Far. Fruit Quarterly, New York Horticultural Society.
Wise, J., L.J. Gut, J. Wilson, M. Grieshop, M. Milbraith, D. Mota-Sanchez. M. Quintanilla, R. Isaacs, L. Jess, T.D. Miles, G.W. Sundin, B. Zandstra, E. Hanson, G. Lang, D. Elsner, W. Shane, M. Longstroth, C. Garcia-Salazar, A. Irish-Brown, and K. Mason. 2021 Michigan Fruit Management Guide. MSU Extension Bulletin E-0154; revised annually.
Szucs, M., O. Simaz, L. Gut, J. Pote, and J. Wilson (Dec 2020) Increasing the abundance of samurai wasp for biological control of brown marmorated stink bug. MSU Extension News
Wilson, J., L. Gut, M. Grieshop, and W. Shane (revised August 2020) Managing Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Michigan Orchards. Fact Sheet
Wilson, J., L. Gut, R. Isaacs, S. VanTimmeren (June 2020) Spotted Wing Drosophila Biology and Identification. Fact Sheet.
Wilson, J., L. Gut, N. Rothwell, E. Pochubay, K. Powers, J. Wise (major revision June 2020) Managing Spotted Wing Drosophila in Michigan Cherry. Fact Sheet.
Reinke, M. and J. Wilson (May 2020) Black stem borer: an opportunistic pest of young fruit trees under stress. MSU Extension News.
Wilson, J., J.E. Carroll, E. Pochubay, A. Agnello, W. Shane (February 2019) Stone Fruit IPM for Beginners, A series of fact sheets published by the North Central IPM Center; 74 pages.
Wilson, J., L. Gut, and A. Irish-Brown (Sept 2017) Look-a-like late season apple damage by bitter pit, brown marmorated stink bugs or apple maggot. MSU Extension News
Haas, M., J. Wilson, and L. Gut (revised Jan 2017) Managing Black Stem Borer in Michigan Tree Fruits. Fact Sheet.